Alex's Website
My Adventure in Computer Graphics
I write about comptuer graphics here.
A Recursive Path Tracer
Implemented a Monte Carlo method based path tracer in C++ that supports lambertian surface, fresnel metals, dielectric Fresnel material, absorption using Beer Lambert Law, environment mapping, Ashikhmin BRDF and attempted Cook Torrence BRDF.
Posted on June 16, 2017
An Image Processing Tool
Implemented some basic image processing operations, such as those found in programs like
. It includes basic things like brightening, gamma correcting and cropping, as well as more advanced operations like antialiased shifting and resizing.
Posted on April 08, 2017
Galatic Dragon
An infinite runner game made in OpenGL using C++. I implemented the core game play mechanicsm, AABB bounding box, phong shading and cell shading
Posted on June 16, 2016