/*=============== Probability Graphic Model ====================*/
"use strict";
* The regular probability Graphical that supports auto play loops and zoom in capability.
class GraphicalModel {
* Create a defiend space for the graphical model.
* @param {object} graphConfiguration - A configuration object for configuring the properties of this _pgm, it can be obtained via Config.getPGMConfig().
* @param {string} divID - The id of the html tag that contains this pgm, it is of the form '#id_name'.
constructor(graphConfiguration, divID) {
* This graph's configuration.
* @memberof GraphicalModel
* @type {object}
this.config = graphConfiguration;
* Graph data includes labels, vertex and edge data.
* @memberof GraphicalModel
* @type {object}
* @property {object} clusterMat - A matrix of vertex labels in every layer.
* @property {object} data - An arry of vertex data where each vertex specifies its adjacency edges.
this.graphData = {
clusterMat: [], // data specifies the nodes in each layer
data: [] // data binds to the graph
this._weightedAdjMat = null; // Holds the adjacency matrix chart
this._directedPath = []; // _directedPath is a list of visited nodes' ID
this._canClick = true; // Used to keep user from clicking when the graph is traversing
this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution = []; // an array of probability given to each node in the speaker layer, probabilityDistribution=[] if uniform distribution
let _pgm = this;
this._divID = divID;
// Click on the node in the speaker layer to draw visited path
this.onClick = d3.behavior.drag()
.origin(d => d)
.on("dragstart", function(d) {
// Check if the clicked node is in the first layer
// which are the num of nodes in first layer of clusterMat
// Only allow user to click the node if autoplay is off
if (_pgm._canClick && !_pgm.config.autoPlayable) {
d3.select(this).classed("dragging", true);
this.svg = d3.select(divID).append("svg")
.attr("class", "graph")
.attr("width", this.config.transform.width)
.attr("height", this.config.transform.height)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + this.config.transform.x + "," + this.config.transform.y + ")");
// Set up the background rect wrapper
this.rect = this.svg.append("rect")
.attr("class", "background")
.attr("width", this.config.transform.width)
.attr("height", this.config.transform.height)
.style("fill", this.config.background.color)
.style("pointer-events", "all")
.on("click", d => {
this.container = this.svg.append("g");
// Specify the function for generating path data
// "linear" for piecewise linear segments
// Creating path using data in pathinfo and path data generator
// Used in _drawEdges() and _drawVisitedPath();
this.line = d3.svg.line()
.x(d => d.x)
.y(d => d.y)
this.vertices = null; // D3 object, initiated in drawVertices()
// Zoom behavior
this.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 10])
.on("zoom", () => {
"translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")"
// Zoom behavior
if (this.config.zoomable) {
* Reset the adjacency matrix attached to this graphical model when the background is clicked. It is called in the on click listener function defined within this graphical model.
* @private
_backgroundOnClickToResetAdjMatrix() {
if (this._weightedAdjMat) {
* Reset the graph after visited path highlighting is finished. It is called in the on click listener function defined within this graphical model.
* @private
_backgroundOnClick() {
if (!this.config.autoPlayable) {
if (this._canClick && !this.config.autoPlay.on) {
// Do not allow user to click until visited path highlighting is finished
this._canClick = false;
setTimeout(() => this._canClick = true, this.config.edge.timeInterval * (this._directedPath.length - 1));
// click on background to reset adjacency matrix
* Verifies if each vertex's id matches its position in the data array and if the weights of all edges comin from each vertex sum up to 1.
* @private
_dataScreening(data) {
if (data.length <= 1) {
throw new Error("input graph data is empty");
let weightSum = 0;
for (let vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < data.length; vertexIdx++) {
if (data[vertexIdx].id !== vertexIdx) {
throw new Error("Vertex's id must match its position index in the list of vertices. The " + vertexIdx + " th element in the list does not match its position index");
let allEdgeZero = true;
let adjVertices = data[vertexIdx].edgeWeights;
if (adjVertices) {
// Check if all edges have weight 0
for (let i = 0; i < adjVertices.length; i++) {
weightSum += adjVertices[i].weight;
if (adjVertices[i].weight !== 0) allEdgeZero = false;
if (weightSum !== 1.0 && allEdgeZero === false) {
throw new Error("The sum of a vertex's adjacent edge's weight must be 1 or all edges have a weight of 0. " + "The " + vertexIdx + "th vertex is invalid.");
weightSum = 0;
* Modifies the data in graphData by adding a list of edges into each vertex.
* @private
_createEdgesInGraphData(data) {
if (data.length <= 1) {
throw new Error("GraphicalModel._createEdgesInGraphData(): Input graph data is empty");
// Go through each vertex in data and add 'edges' attribute to each vertex
for (let vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < data.length; vertexIdx++) {
let currentVertex = data[vertexIdx];
if (!currentVertex.edgeWeights) {
currentVertex.edges = null;
} else {
currentVertex.edges = [];
for (let adjVertexIdx = 0; adjVertexIdx < currentVertex.edgeWeights.length; adjVertexIdx++) {
let targetVertexId = currentVertex.edgeWeights[adjVertexIdx].id;
let targetVertexWeight = currentVertex.edgeWeights[adjVertexIdx].weight;
let edge = {
edgeWeight: targetVertexWeight,
edgeNodes: [currentVertex, data[targetVertexId]]
* Choose a random adjacent vertex in the speaker layer based on the edge weights.
* @private
_chooseRandomAdjVertexFromSpeakerLayer() {
let weightDistribution = [0]; // weightDistribution is a distribution from 0 to 1, ex: [0, 0.4, 1]
let weight = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution.length; i++) {
weight += this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution[i];
let randomPick = Math.random();
console.log("weight distribution corresponding to the speaker layer: (" + weightDistribution + ") random pick: " + randomPick);
for (let i = 0; i < weightDistribution.length - 1; i++) {
if (randomPick >= weightDistribution[i] && randomPick <= weightDistribution[i + 1]) {
return this.graphData.data[i].id;
* Takes in a vertex data object from the array of data in graphData and chooses a random adjacent vertex in the next layer based on the edge weights.
* @private
_chooseRandomAdjVertex(vertex) {
let weightDistribution = [0]; // weightDistribution is a distribution from 0 to 1, ex: [0, 0.4, 1]
let weight = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < vertex.edgeWeights.length; i++) {
weight += vertex.edgeWeights[i].weight;
let randomPick = Math.random();
console.log("weight distribution corresponding to adjacent vertices in the next layer: (" + weightDistribution + ") random pick: " + randomPick);
// if the sum of distribution is 0 then return -1
let distributionSum = weightDistribution.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
if (distributionSum === 0) {
return -1;
for (let i = 0; i < weightDistribution.length - 1; i++) {
if (randomPick >= weightDistribution[i] && randomPick <= weightDistribution[i + 1]) {
return vertex.edgeWeights[i].id;
* Takes in the id of a node and traverse trough the graph to connect. impacted nodes and returns the id of the visited node.
* @private
_traverseGraph(vertexId, data) {
let visitedNodes = [vertexId];
let node = data[vertexId];
while (node !== undefined && node.edgeWeights !== undefined) {
console.log("Current Vertex: " + vertexId);
vertexId = this._chooseRandomAdjVertex(node);
// if (vertexId < 0) break;
console.log("Vextex chosen: " + vertexId);
node = data[vertexId];
this._directedPath = visitedNodes;
* Draws the grid in the background.
* @private
_drawGrid() {
.attr("class", "x axis")
.data(d3.range(0, this.config.transform.width, 10))
.attr("x1", d => d)
.attr("y1", 0)
.attr("x2", d => d)
.attr("y2", this.config.transform.height);
.attr("class", "y axis")
.data(d3.range(0, this.config.transform.height, 10))
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("y1", d => d)
.attr("x2", this.config.transform.width)
.attr("y2", d => d);
* Draws the text labels in each vertex.
* @private
_drawText() {
/* Add a text element to the previously added g element. */
.attr("font-size", d => d.r * this.config.text.size)
.attr("text-anchor", this.config.text.anchor)
.attr("alignment-baseline", this.config.text.alignment)
.attr("fill", this.config.text.color)
.text(d => {
if (d.label) {
return d.label;
} else {
return d.id;
* Draws the grpah vertices.
* @private
_drawVertices(data) {
/* clear vertices then redraw all the vertices in the grpah */
d3.selectAll(this._divID + " g .vertex").remove();
// Create vertex groups, each group contains a cicle and a text
this.vertices = this.container.append("g")
.attr("class", "vertex")
.attr("id", d => d.id)
.attr("transform", d => "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")")
.attr("r", d => d.r);
* Draws the grpah edges highlight the clicked vertex.
* @private
_drawEdges(data) {
// clear edges then redraw all the edges in the graph
d3.selectAll(this._divID + " path").remove();
// Draw all edges based on weight in default color
for (let vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < data.length; vertexIdx++) {
// Iterate through each nodes in data
let currentVertex = data[vertexIdx];
if (currentVertex.edges) {
for (let edgeIdx = 0; edgeIdx < currentVertex.edges.length; edgeIdx++) {
// Iterate through each edge in the current node
let edgeNodes = currentVertex.edges[edgeIdx].edgeNodes;
let edgeWeight = currentVertex.edges[edgeIdx].edgeWeight * this.config.edge.width;
.attr("d", this.line(edgeNodes))
.attr("stroke-width", edgeWeight + this.config.edge.baseWidth)
.style("stroke", this.config.edge.defaultColor)
.style("fill", "none");
* Draw an highlighted edge between two vertices.
* @private
* @param {object} graphConfiguration - A configuration object for configuring the properties of this _pgm, it can be obtained via Config.getPGMConfig().
* @param {object} EdgeNodes - A pair of nodes (e.g. [node1, node2]) which are two ends of an edge, lengthMultiplier is used to determine the magnitude of the edge.
* @param {number} lengthMultiplier - Used to increase the length of the highlighted edge on both ends.
* @return {object} highlightedEdge - A highlightedEdge objects that contains the nodes information and the length information
_drawHighlightedEdge(edgeNodes, lengthMultiplier) {
let x0 = edgeNodes[0].x,
y0 = edgeNodes[0].y,
r0 = edgeNodes[0].r,
x1 = edgeNodes[1].x,
y1 = edgeNodes[1].y,
r1 = edgeNodes[1].r,
distX = x1 - x0,
distY = y0 - y1,
dist = Math.sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY),
ratio0 = r0 / (lengthMultiplier * dist),
ratio1 = r1 / (lengthMultiplier * dist),
// tempEdges for highlighting the visited edges
highlightedEdgeNodes = [{
x: x0 + distX * ratio0,
y: y0 - distY * ratio0
}, {
x: x1 - distX * ratio1,
y: y1 + distY * ratio1
let highlightedEdge = {
nodes: highlightedEdgeNodes,
length: dist
return highlightedEdge;
_drawVisitedPath(data) {
/* Draw visited edges based on weight in highlighted color */
for (let vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < this._directedPath.length; vertexIdx++) {
// check if there's -1 in _directedPath, if yes, do not draw the path and trigger a new speaker
if (this._directedPath[vertexIdx] < 0) {
// Draw the first vertex when the path start highlighting
.attr("class", d => {
// if the node is in the path then draw it in a different color
if (this._directedPath[0] === d.id) {
return "visitedVertex";
.attr("r", d => d.r);
// Add a text element to the previously added g element.
setTimeout(() => {
// If autoplay is on, then restart the cycle after [timeIntervalBetweenCycle] milliseconds
if (this.config.autoPlay.on) {
console.log("Auto play is on!");
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.config.autoPlay.timeIntervalBetweenCycle);
}, this.config.edge.timeInterval);
} else {
// If there's no -1 in directed path
// Iterate through the list of ID in _directedPath
let currentVertex = data[this._directedPath[vertexIdx]];
if (currentVertex.edges) {
for (let edgeIdx = 0; edgeIdx < currentVertex.edges.length; edgeIdx++) {
let edgeNodes = currentVertex.edges[edgeIdx].edgeNodes;
let edgeWeight = currentVertex.edges[edgeIdx].edgeWeight * this.config.edge.width;
// If the edge is in the _directedPath then draw different color
if (this._directedPath.indexOf(edgeNodes[0].id) > -1 && this._directedPath.indexOf(edgeNodes[1].id) > -1) {
// Create two new points to draw a shorter edge so the new
// edge will not cover the id in the node
let highlightingEdgeLengthMultiplier = 1.1; // Used to increase the length of the highlighted edge on both ends;
let highlightedEdge = this._drawHighlightedEdge(edgeNodes, highlightingEdgeLengthMultiplier);
let tempEdges = highlightedEdge.nodes
let lineLength = highlightedEdge.length;
// Wait for 0.8 second until the next node is highlighted
// Draw the next visited path after time Interval
setTimeout(() => {
// Append a path that completes drawing wthin a time duration
.style("stroke-width", this.config.edge.baseWidth + edgeWeight)
.style("stroke", this.config.edge.visitedColor)
.style("fill", "none")
'd': this.line(tempEdges),
'stroke-dasharray': lineLength + " " + lineLength,
'stroke-dashoffset': lineLength
.attr('stroke-dashoffset', 0);
}, this.config.edge.timeInterval * vertexIdx);
// Draw the next visited vertex after time Interval
setTimeout(() => {
/* clear vertices then redraw all the vertices in the grpah */
.attr("class", d => {
// if the node is in the path then draw it in a different color
if (this._directedPath.indexOf(d.id) <= (vertexIdx + 1) &&
this._directedPath.indexOf(d.id) > -1) {
return "visitedVertex";
.attr("r", d => d.r);
// Add a text element to the previously added g element.
// Visited path ending condition
let endingVertexIdx = this._directedPath.length - 2;
if (vertexIdx === endingVertexIdx) {
// If _weightedAdjMat exists, update the _weightedAdjMat adjacency matrix after the visited path finish highlighting within [timeIntervalBetweenCycle/2] milliseconds
if (this._weightedAdjMat) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.config.autoPlay.timeIntervalBetweenCycle / 2.0);
// If autoplay is on, then restart the cycle after [timeIntervalBetweenCycle] milliseconds
if (this.config.autoPlay.on) {
console.log("Auto play is on!");
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.config.autoPlay.timeIntervalBetweenCycle);
// 0.95 is a time offset multiplier to make vertex colored faster since
// there is an unknown lag
}, this.config.edge.timeInterval * (vertexIdx + 1));
// Draw the first vertex when the path start highlighting
.attr("class", d => {
// if the node is in the path then draw it in a different color
if (this._directedPath[0] === d.id) {
return "visitedVertex";
.attr("r", d => d.r);
// Add a text element to the previously added g element.
* Used to redraw the graph on start and when moving.
* @private
_drawGraph(data) {
* Kill all setTimeOut used to draw the visited path.
* @private
_killAllSetTimeOut() {
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) {
if (window.mozCancelAnimationFrame) window.mozCancelAnimationFrame(i); // Firefox
* Clear the highlighted path and redraw the graph.
* @private
_clearVisitedPath() {
// Then clear the path storage
this._directedPath = [];
* Create the cycling speed control button on the top of the graph.
* @private
_createCyclingSpeedControlButton() {
let _pgm = this;
let sliderID = this._divID.substring(1) + "-slider-range";
let $DivSlider = $("<div>", {
id: sliderID
$("#" + sliderID).slider({
range: false, // two buttons caps a range
min: 2,
max: 1000,
value: _pgm.config.edge.timeInterval,
slide: function(event, ui) {
let sliderWidth = (this._weightedAdjMat === null) ? this.config.transform.width : this._weightedAdjMat.config.transform.width + this.config.transform.width;
$("#" + sliderID).css("width", sliderWidth + "px");
* Called by jQuery slider function defined in _createCyclingSpeedControlButton to update the graph cycling speed based on the position of the UI button.
* @private
_cyclingSpeedControlButtonOnClick(ui) {
console.log("Slider Speed: " + ui.value);
let sphereRad = ui.value;
this.config.edge.timeInterval = ui.value;
this.config.autoPlay.timeIntervalBetweenCycle = ui.value;
* Create the auto play button.
* @private
_createPlayButton() {
/* Used to create a play button, it modifies the default button property in button.css */
var $Button = $("<div>", {
class: "play-button paused"
var $left = $("<div>", {
class: "left"
var $right = $("<div>", {
class: "right"
var $triangle1 = $("<div>", {
class: "triangle-1"
var $triangle2 = $("<div>", {
class: "triangle-2"
// Update button dimension first
let resizedButton = Array.min([this.config.transform.height, this.config.transform.width]) / 10.0 * this.config.autoPlay.button.dim;
let maxButtonSize = 35.0; // The max button size is 40px so that buttons won't get too big
this.config.autoPlay.button.dim = (resizedButton > maxButtonSize) ? maxButtonSize : resizedButton;
$(this._divID + " .play-button").css("height", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim + "px")
.css("width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim + "px");
$(this._divID + " .triangle-1").css("border-right-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim + "px")
.css("border-top-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim / 2.0 + "px")
.css("border-bottom-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim / 2.0 + "px");
$(this._divID + " .triangle-2").css("border-right-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim + "px")
.css("border-top-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim / 1.9 + "px")
.css("border-bottom-width", this.config.autoPlay.button.dim / 2.0 + "px");
$(this._divID + " .left").css("background-color", this.config.autoPlay.button.color);
$(this._divID + " .right").css("background-color", this.config.autoPlay.button.color);
let _pgm = this;
$(this._divID + " .play-button").click(function() {
if (_pgm.config.autoPlay.on) {
} else {
* Triggers a speaker node randomly following the specified speaker ndoe probability distribution.
* @private
_triggerSpeakerNodeAutoPlay() {
let chosen_id;
// If speaker node is of uniform distribution
if (this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution.length == 0) {
chosen_id = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.graphData.clusterMat[0].length);
} else {
chosen_id = this._chooseRandomAdjVertexFromSpeakerLayer();
* Triggers a speaker node by id, traverse down and draw the visited path.
* @private
_triggerSpeakerNode(id) {
let speakerLayerLength = this.graphData.clusterMat[0].length;
// Only allow the node to be clicked if it is in the speaker layer
if (id < speakerLayerLength) {
let clickedVertexId = parseInt(id, 10);
this._traverseGraph(clickedVertexId, this.graphData.data);
log("visited path = [" + this._directedPath + "]");
// testing
$(this._divID + ' .path strong').text(this._directedPath);
} else {
// Else clear the path
// Do not allow user to click
this._canClick = false;
setTimeout(() => this._canClick = true, this.config.edge.timeInterval * (this._directedPath.length - 1));
* Use this to redraw the graph after reset edge weights.
* @return {object} This graphicalModel object.
redraw() {
return this;
* Used to create and display the graph. Normally called after createCluster().
* @return {object} this graphicalModel object.
* @example
* graphicalModel.init();
init() {
if (this.config.autoPlayable) this._createPlayButton();
if (this.config.cyclingSpeedControllable) this._createCyclingSpeedControlButton();
if (this.config.background.grid) this._drawGrid();
return this;
* Used to get the weighted adjacency matrix object attached to this graph.
* @return {object} The weighted adjacency matrix object.
getWeightedAdjacencyMatrix() {
return this._weightedAdjMat;
* Set the adjacency edges for a vertex by id.
* @param {number} id - The id or the index of the vertex in the data array of the graphData.
* @param {object} edges - The object contains the adjacency edges of a vertex and their weights.
return this pgm to allow setEdgeWeights to be stacked.
* @example
* // Create three directed edges 0->3, 0->4, 0->5 with edge weiths 0.8, 0.1 and 0.1
* graphicalModel.setEdgeWeights(0, [{
id: 3,
weight: 0.8
}, {
id: 4,
weight: 0.1
}, {
id: 5,
weight: 0.1
* @return {object} This grpahicalModel object.
setEdgeWeights(id, edges) {
/* Set adjacent vertex for vertex with id
return this pgm to allow setEdgeWeights to be stacked
if (id === undefined || edges === undefined) {
throw new Error("graphicalModel.setEdgeWeights(id, adjVtx) params are not defined.");
this.graphData.data[id].edgeWeights = edges;
return this;
// this.setLabel = function (id, label) {
// /* Set label for vertex */
// this.graphData.data[id].label = label;
// };
// this.getGraphData = function () {
// /* Returns the graphData as JSON object */
// let jsonGraphData = Utils.cloneDR(this.graphData);
// console.log(jsonGraphData);
// // Delete all the edge circular structures in the object
// for (let i = 0; i < jsonGraphData.data.length; i++) {
// delete(jsonGraphData.data[i].edges);
// }
// return JSON.stringify(jsonGraphData);
// };
* A helper method used by createCluster() to change the speaker layer ndoe radius based on the probability distribution.
* @private
_changeNodeRadius(baseRadius) {
probabilityDistribution is the array of probability given to each node in the speaker layer
set probabilityDistribution=[] for uniform distribution
let normalizeBaseRadiusMultiplier = 0.4; // increase base radius size
let normalizeExtraRadiusBasedOnDistributionMultiplier = 0.7; // increase extra radius size
for (let i = 0; i < this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution.length; i++) {
// Normalize the radius
let normalizationFactor = 1.0 / this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution.length / normalizeExtraRadiusBasedOnDistributionMultiplier;
this.graphData.data[i].r = (baseRadius * normalizeBaseRadiusMultiplier) + this.graphData.data[i].r * (this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution[i] * 1.0) / normalizationFactor;
* Used to create an array of vertix data in graphData based on the label cluster matrix (cMat). The graph edge weights are set to be uniform by defaut.
* @param {array} cMat - The label cluster matrix holds the labels. Ex of cluster mat [layer1_label_array, layer2_label_array, layer3_label_array] where each layer_label_array holds an array of labelrs in one layer.
* @param {array} probabilityDistribution - The array of probability given to each node in the speaker layer to be triggered. For uniform distribution, set probabilityDistribution = [].
* @param {boolean} changeNodeRadiusBasedOnDistribution - Governs whether vertex radius are affected by its distribution.
* @return {object} This graphicalModel object.
* @example
* graphicalModel.createCluster(clusterMat, speakerNodeProbabilityDistribution, true);
createCluster(cMat, probabilityDistribution, changeNodeRadiusBasedOnDistribution) {
// Error checking
if (probabilityDistribution.length != 0) {
if (cMat[0].length != probabilityDistribution.length) {
throw new Error("graphicalModel.createCluster(): the number of the nodes in the first layer in cMat does not match the length of the probabilityDistribution array");
let tempDistTotal = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < probabilityDistribution.length; i++) {
tempDistTotal += probabilityDistribution[i];
if (tempDistTotal != 1.0) {
throw new Error("graphicalModel.createCluster(): the probability of each node in the speaker layer does not add up to 1.0 in probabilityDistribution array");
this._speakerLayerProbabilityDistribution = probabilityDistribution;
this.cMatDim = []; //cMatDim is the dimension of the matrix, ex: [3,3,3]
// Populate cMatDim
for (let i = 0; i < cMat.length; i++) {
this.cMatDim[i] = cMat[i].length;
let offsetPosX = this.config.transform.width / (this.cMatDim.length + 1); // get the x offset for first node
let minPosY = this.config.transform.height / (Array.max(this.cMatDim) + 1); // get the y offset for the layer with the most amount of nodes
// Data properties: id, x, y, r
let data = [];
let id = 0;
let x;
let y;
let r = Array.min([offsetPosX, minPosY]) * this.config.vertex.radius;
this.config.vertex.radius = r;
for (let i = 0; i < this.cMatDim.length; i++) {
// Reset offset Y coordinate for each layer
let offSetPosY = this.config.transform.height / (this.cMatDim[i] + 1);
for (let j = 0; j < this.cMatDim[i]; j++) {
x = offsetPosX * (i + 1);
y = offSetPosY * (j + 1);
id: id,
x: x,
y: y,
r: r
// Label each vertex based on cMat labels
let id_temp = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < cMat.length; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < cMat[i].length; j++)
data[id_temp++].label = cMat[i][j];
// Update the this.config edge width and baseWidth
this.config.edge.width = r * this.config.edge.width;
this.config.edge.baseWidth = r * this.config.edge.baseWidth;
// Create the graphData member variable in _pgm
this.graphData = {
clusterMat: cMat,
data: data
// Change speaker node radius based on distribution
if (changeNodeRadiusBasedOnDistribution && probabilityDistribution.length > 0) this._changeNodeRadius(r);
return this;
* Get the vertex id by vertexCoordinate.
* @param {array} vertexCoordinate - A coordiante pair, e.g [layer index, vertex index at that layer]
* @return {number} id_temp - The id of the vertex in the data array of the graphData.
getVertexId(vertexCoordinate) {
let layerIdx = vertexCoordinate[0];
let vertexIdx = vertexCoordinate[1];
if (layerIdx >= this.cMatDim.length || vertexIdx >= this.cMatDim[layerIdx])
throw new Error("graphicalModel.getVertexId(): invalid vertex coordinate input, the vertex being accessed does not exist in the graph. Your input vertex coordinate is [" + vertexCoordinate + "], but the dimention of the cluster matrix is [" + this.cMatDim + "].");
let id_temp = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < layerIdx; i++) id_temp += this.cMatDim[i];
id_temp += vertexIdx;
return id_temp;
* Set the graph edge weights to be uniform.
setUniformEdgeWeights() {
for (let layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this.cMatDim.length - 1; layerIdx++) {
for (let vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < this.cMatDim[layerIdx]; vertexIdx++) {
let vertexID = this.getVertexId([layerIdx, vertexIdx]);
let numOfNodesNextLayer = this.cMatDim[layerIdx + 1];
let edgeWeights = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOfNodesNextLayer; i++) {
edgeWeights[i] = {
id: this.getVertexId([layerIdx + 1, i]),
weight: 1.0 / numOfNodesNextLayer
this.setEdgeWeights(vertexID, edgeWeights);
/*=========== Graphical Model Autoplay ===========*/
* Reset the weighted adjacency matrix weights.
resetChart() {
* Start the autoPlay cycle. Called in on click listener function defiend in the vertex.
* @private
_startAutoPlay() {
/* called by the play button to start autoplay */
this._canClick = false;
if (this._weightedAdjMat) this.resetChart();
this.config.autoPlay.on = true;
* Stop the autoPlay cycle. Called in on click listener function defiend in the vertex.
* @private
_stopAutoPlay() {
/* called by the stop button to stop autoplay */
this._canClick = true;
this.config.autoPlay.on = false;
if (this._weightedAdjMat) {
// this._weightedAdjMat.redrawMatrix();
/*======== Binding Adjacency Matrix To The Graphical Model =======*/
* Used in _drawVisitedPath() to update the adjacency matrix cell weights and color.
* @private
_updateChart() {
let _rowIdx = this._directedPath[0];
let _colIdx = this._directedPath[this._directedPath.length - 1];
if (_rowIdx < 0 || _colIdx < 0) return;
let _rowLabel = this.graphData.data[_rowIdx].label;
let _colLabel = this.graphData.data[_colIdx].label;
let cellToUpdate = [_rowLabel, _colLabel];
log("Update Cell: [" + cellToUpdate + "]");
this._weightedAdjMat.increaseCellWeight(cellToUpdate, 1);
this._weightedAdjMat.increaseCellColor(cellToUpdate, 1);
* Used create a weighted adjacency matrix for this graph based on the matrix config object.
* @param {object} chartConfig - The matrix configuration object. It can be obtained via Config.getAdjacencyMatrixConfig().
* @return {object} This graphicalModel object.
createAdjacencyMatrix(chartConfig) {
/* Create a _weightedAdjMat and bind to the graphic model */
this.chartConfig = chartConfig;
if (this.graphData.clusterMat.length < 2) {
throw new Error("graphicalModel.createAdjacencyMatrix(): Can not create adjacency matrix for graphical model with layer number less than 2");
let _rowLabel = this.graphData.clusterMat[0];
let _colLabel = this.graphData.clusterMat[this.graphData.clusterMat.length - 1];
this._weightedAdjMat = new WeightedAdjacencyMatrix(this._divID, chartConfig);
this._weightedAdjMat.createMatrix(_rowLabel, _colLabel);
return this;